‘From Under Our Shell’

Acrylic on Canvas 46cm x 61.5cm



From Under Our Shell WEB.jpg

I awoke from a nap… and for an instant I was confused at where I was and almost at WHO I was.

Upon wakening must we consciously remember our lives? It could only take an instant, but is there is a separation between who we are in our conscious lives and who we are when we sleep?

In our dreams we can visit invented places, meet people we have never met, have conversations with someone from our past, and even defy the laws of logic by taking flight or transforming.

In the painting a figure has floated out her window and left her house behind. Her house is where she has come from, and within its walls are everything that make her who she is when she’s awake.

But for now she is dreaming, and is only attached to her conscious life by the string of laundry which she will follow back when it's time to wake up.

This sense of dreaming is emphasised by the confusing orientation of the painting itself.


Once we were sleeping:

Soundly our eyes were closed.

Hearts open to those around us;

Our naked bodies wrapped in clothes.

We were one with the darkness:

Ours minds torchlit til morn.

Our dead loved-ones death’s forgotten;

Our lives learned again at dawn.


'When It's Cold'


'Pursuit of Happiness'